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November 2020

Monthly 2020
 sighting map

Thank you all for making yesterday our most successful #GivingTuesday to date! Your generosity and support is truly what keeps us going.

Without further ado, here is our Salish Sea orca sightings map for the month of November.

For the second year in a row, the Southern Residents were present in the Salish Sea in November more than any other month of the year (though December still has a chance to beat that mark in 2020). While all three pods made an appearance, the highlight for many was the three multi-day visits of J-Pod (and a fourth with K-Pod) into Puget Sound. Both new calves J57 and J58 were seen and described by many as energetic and in good health.

Bigg's killer whales were also present on most days of the month, perhaps demonstrating that their habitat usage continues to expand year-round, as the winter months used to be the months when they were here the least.

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