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March 2020

Monthly 2020
 | Killer Whale Sightings

Here's a look at whale sightings in the Salish Sea for the month of March. Look at all those red dots for Ts!

With whale watchers essentially off the water for the second half of the month (meaning there's a lot fewer eyes out there looking for and reporting whales), a lot of private citizens really stepped up to help us keep track as best we could given the circumstances. Thank you as always to everyone who shares reports, but an extra big thank you this month to Nick Templeman, Rachelle Hayden, and Alisa Lemire Brooks for their extra efforts!

Incredibly, Bigg's killer whales (transients) were documented in the region on 29 of the 31 days of March, an all-time high. The Southern Residents, meanwhile, were detected on 12 days in March, higher than either of the last two years (7 days each) and just under March 2017 (13 days).

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