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Culmination of our first Bigg's killer whale class for adults

January 6, 2024
May 7, 2024
Monika W. Shields
May 7, 2024

Today we wrapped up our 2023 Bigg's Orca STaRS program in partnership with The Salish Sea School. Over the course of the last year, students worked with OBI sightings data for specific matrilines of Bigg's killer whales, exploring their family group in detail and asking questions about where they travel, who they associate with, and when they visit the Salish Sea. We got to see the culmination of their work at their final presentations today!

This was our first time trying a course like this, and to the dedicated folks who took a chance with us, you are all special souls and I'm grateful to have had this experience with you. All your words about how this journey changed you were very humbling to hear! You all did such impressive work and I can't wait to see where your passion and newfound skills take you next.Our 2024 version of this course, Bigg's 201, is sold out, but if this is something you might be interested in doing in the future, you can learn more and get on our early notification list for future offerings.

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