Inspiring conservation of wild killer whales

through non-invasive research, bold advocacy, and science based education

The Orca Behavior Institute is a non-profit whale research organization based on San Juan Island, Washington. Founded in 2015, OBI was created by a small group of passionate community scientists.

Lea Marie 2023 Orca Behavior Institute


Our primary goal is to collect long-term data sets documenting changes in whale behavior in the Salish Sea to help inform the protection Bigg's killer whales and the recovery of Southern Resident killer whales. We aim to publish current data and trends in a timely manner by tracking and confirming whale sightings throughout the region, conducting field observations of whale behavior, and recording and analyzing whale acoustic communication. This will help inform other research efforts and ongoing policy decisions.

per year
Whale Sightings
Public Comment
Letters Submitted
per year
Field Research

As we’ve grown in recent years, our work has expanded to include science-based continuing education programs and partnerships aimed towards promoting bold advocacy on behalf of regional killer whales and the ecosystem they rely on.

Field work photo orca behavior institute
field work orca behavior institute

Our work is driven by individual donations from supportive community members who believe in our mission. No matter how great or small, your donations are truly what makes our work possible.